Friday, May 25, 2007


Sean over at DAYTROTTER does some of the best, most thoughtful writing we are blessed to focus our peepers on each week ... And as most people know, the whole Daytrotter crew are just amazing folks in general. They admirably keep with a motto of fostering artists and championing a positive vibe within the indie music community! (Which is super cool in our book.)

We were floored to get a chance for FFR to spend some time with them in Austin at SXSW in the temperamental Sound Team recording studio!

This FFR feature is what resulted from everyone's hard work and patience! (From a touch and go kind of night where everything electrical in the studio went crazy and everyone's festival sleep dep set in ... and truly tested the limits of the grand idea of the marathon recording sessions!) Truly the end result made us blush and took us all to a happy place. (It's nice when you can feel how much a person really listens to someone and truly cares about music through their writing ... and strives to uncover the hidden stories behind the songs.)

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